Glow in the Dark: The ‘Dangers’ of Radioactivity

An old style control panel showing radiation at the top with numerous dials below

Radiation is fascinating. In the early years after its discovery it caused untold horrors and life altering changes to those who knew no better.

The Huemul Project: Nuclear Fake News in the 1950s

Harnessing the power of stars has, quite predictably, not been easy. Ever since Arthur Eddington first described nuclear fusion in the 1920's, we have been looking to harness its potential. Thirty years after this discovery, on a small island in a lake in Argentina, the world would be sold fusion in a bottle.

Lucky Dragon 5: The First Lives Claimed by the Hydrogen Bomb

The Japanese may have believed they were at the end of nuclear weapons incidents at the hands of the Americans, but less than a decade since the Japanese surrender, there was another first in Japan. The world's first death from a hydrogen bomb.

The British Doctor’s Study: The Link Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

In science, you often hear the phrase 'correlation does not equal causation'. It is a ubiquitous line in science that often requires a lot of explaining. One of the best ways to demonstrate correlation vs causation is a website by Tyler Vigen called Spurious Correlations. For example (see below), as the US government spends on… Continue reading The British Doctor’s Study: The Link Between Smoking and Lung Cancer