Deeper Shade of Blue: The Science of the Blue Fugates

The Fugate family's intermarriage amplified a recessive gene's presence causing the condition known as cyanosis - the blueing of the skin.

The British Doctor’s Study: The Link Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

In science, you often hear the phrase 'correlation does not equal causation'. It is a ubiquitous line in science that often requires a lot of explaining. One of the best ways to demonstrate correlation vs causation is a website by Tyler Vigen called Spurious Correlations. For example (see below), as the US government spends on… Continue reading The British Doctor’s Study: The Link Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

Density of Ice and Water: A Very Different Life on Earth

Life on Earth is always an interesting topic. It often does centre around Biology and how evolution forms a prehistoric prokaryote mutating and evolving into the wide array of life that we see on Earth, but Physics plays its part. Specifically, with density. The phenomenon of the density of water is responsible for life on… Continue reading Density of Ice and Water: A Very Different Life on Earth

From Neglect to Outbreak: The Tragic Story of Hepatitis at Willowbrook School

Today we look at science as the bastion of doing the right thing. Yes, there are certain recent developments that have questionable ethics, but after the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki human experimentation has since centred around 'informed consent'. The history of science has a dark past but if it wasn't for these past atrocities, significantly… Continue reading From Neglect to Outbreak: The Tragic Story of Hepatitis at Willowbrook School