about me

Joel Kenyon

As a science teacher with a passion for storytelling, I strongly believe that science is not merely a collection of facts but a captivating narrative waiting to be told. My life-long fascination with the natural world has driven me to explore its mysteries, and I find great pleasure in sharing this sense of wonder with my students.

Originally from Liverpool, I have spent the last two years teaching in London. I completed my Biology BSc with Hons in 2016 at Liverpool John Moores University, followed by my PGCE at Liverpool Hope University.

My enthusiasm for the field of Teaching and Learning extends beyond the classroom, as I produce written content elucidating various strategies that educators can employ to refine their pedagogical techniques. As new ideas and insights emerge, I intend to continue crafting additional blog posts on this subject matter.

In a recent opportunity to address Members of Parliament at the legislative level, I expounded on the value of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom and its wider influence on academic coursework. I emphasized the importance of students acquiring competencies in AI programs like ChatGPT to prepare them for future career opportunities. Furthermore, I explored the essence of education and its significance in today’s world. You can watch the evidence I gave on the UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee website here.

My goal as a writer is to inspire my students and readers to view the world through a scientific lens. My stories are not only informative but also engaging and entertaining. I strive to connect my readers with the subject matter in a memorable and meaningful way.

get in touch.

I am always looking for more story ideas teachers can use as Hinterland in their lessons. If there are any interesting stories that you would like me to deep dive into, then email info@inquestion.co.uk